The ATEM Streaming Bridge is a video converter that lets you receive a H.264 stream from any ATEM Mini Pro and convert it back to SDI and HDMI video. This means you can send video to remote locations around your local Ethernet network, or via the internet globally!
That's possible because it uses advanced H.264 codecs for higher quality at very low data rates. Imagine broadcasters and bloggers collaborating on shows and creating global networks of ATEM Mini Pro remote broadcast studios.
Setup is easy as the ATEM software utility can create setup files that you can email to remote ATEM Mini Pro studios.
ATEM Streaming Bridge is the perfect way to use ATEM Mini Pro as a remote broadcast studio!
Blackmagic Design
Atem Streaming Bridge
Blackmagic 迅速成為世界影像科技的領導先驅,因為他們一個簡單的理念 — 讓創意真正地盛放。
Blackmagic Design 的創辨人在影片後期製作和機械工程有著資深的經驗,他們對追求完美的精神加上高端電視處理和電影後期製作經驗產生了化學反應,Blackmagic 的誕生就注定永遠改變業界。
2002 年 Blackmagic 推出了 DeckLink 系列擷取卡,低廉的價錢即時令到在 Apple Mac OS X 系統上處理 10-bit 無壓縮的影片變得大眾化,DeckLink 成為了同類型產品的市場領導者,全因為 Blackmagic 的理念 — 無論如何都要為創作者和設計師提供最高品質的工具。